Family as the first environmental course have an important factor in forming a pattern of behavior
children. In this case particularly through attention, affection and the application of good manners from their parents
on his son. Apart from the role of schools as a vehicle for the delivery of teaching and education
also affect the level of character development of a child. But the teaching of manners in sekolahsekolah
presently not be given independently, in a sense still integrated with other subjects. Eye
referred to the lessons of Religious Education or Education is Pancasila, but in general the
educators rarely touched on education pekertinya mind, because character education is considered
as giving lectures alone. This illustrates there are misunderstandings in understanding the concept of mind
character. Role of Teachers as pentransfer science is important, a teacher not only provides education
took the form of materials, but more than that should be touching the side of tauladannya. Because the behavior
a gurulah who first viewed their students. A teacher in addition to providing educational material
lessons must also provide a good example in the socialization of life. How students will behave
in accordance with that taught by his teacher, if the teacher himself never gave a good example of
proteges. Looking at the pattern or system of teaching manners to the above, then the students' understanding
about the concept of 'character was very little, because knowledge about the education they received the favor
This character is very limited. Unable longer to rampant cases dielakan brawl between
students, drug abuse, promiscuity, reckless and other criminal activity is increasing.
This situation is very alarming the people of Indonesia who is known as a religious community,
civilized and bebudaya. If more extensive review of the outbreak of cases of KKN (Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism) at
various institutions, both governmental and private lembga, a crisis of confidence and so forth. This proves
about the low level of public morality which shows less absorption character education. School
as a formal institution is expected to transfer a variety of disciplines, character and skill. School
as an institution is expected to only be able to create a human who mastered science and technology are human too
which has imtak, the Man who excel in intellect, social and faith. The concept of mind
character itself is very deep, where the character of each person in addition to showing pengaruhpengaruh
basis of his demeanor was also largely influenced by a variety of experiences. Starting from the experience
obtained from within the family and the experiences gained from the school environment
and community environment.
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